How Can You Help?

​Consider becoming a foster parent.
You can help by referring a family to be a foster parent.
Become the voice or an advocate for children who deserve to have a better life. Share foster care experiences or information with friends/family.
For the OCOC monthly resource family support network meetings.
For annual recruitment events - national foster care (May) or adoption month (November)
To make at least one (1) appeal per year at your church/community gatherings for the need for foster parents.
To act as the liaison for your church to keep the Pastor and members abreast of information relevant to foster care needs and resources.
To assist with the financial cost of assessing prospective foster families.
To support children and families who participate in the monthly support groups. (i.e., food, activities, Christmas toys for tots, awareness conferences, etc.)
To the annual educational scholarship for community and foster care high school graduates.
To the One Church, One Child of Oklahoma by mailing your tax-deductible contribution to P. O. Box 36482, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73136, or through - Cashapp - $ococok or Givelify.
​ That we find safe and loving homes for children who many times feel so lost and alone.......