A Great Place to Start...
If you are considering foster care, it can seem overwhelming. Don't worry! We are here to help. Check out the additional resources below to help you get started.
Family Ties Support Network
Meets on the Last Monday of each month at 6:00 PM
The One Church, One Child Family Ties support network is available to provide an opportunity for caregivers to meet regularly for mutual and emotional support. This gathering of resource parents, as well as their children, provides a venue for them to share parenting experiences and resources. The time spent also allows time for children to interact with "kids just like them" and those who have similar life experiences.
Oklahoma Human Services – OK Fosters
Oklahoma Fosters - Oklahoma Fosters (okfosters.org)
Citizen Caring for Children of Oklahoma
111 Project
111Project.org | One Church, One Family, One Purpose
Oklahoma Foster Care Association of Oklahoma
211- Central Oklahoma
211 – Eastern Oklahoma
CSC Tulsa 211 Eastern Oklahoma Website - CSC Tulsa
Parent Child Center
North America Council on Adoptable Children
The North American Council on Adoptable Children
Court Appointed Special Advocate
One Church, One Child of Oklahoma
Johnsons & Associates, CPA
P.O. Box 36482
Oklahoma City, OK 73136
Paypal: ococok@hotmail.com
Cashapp: $ococok
Donations can also be made through Givelify